The Importance of Testing Well Water Regularly

Getting your water supply directly from the ground near your home is about as natural as it gets. Because of this, many people are under the impression that a well is the cleanest, purest form of water there is. Though, this may not be true because we also forget where ground water comes from.
The surface of the earth is porous, meaning that as soon as precipitation falls, the earth begins to absorb it like a sponge. As the water makes its way through the soil and bedrock, it picks up minerals and contaminants along the way.
Fortunately, we can identify most of these contaminants by testing the water right on-site. This is always the first step in making sure your family receives high-quality water from the well all year round.
Well Water Problems
Unlike municipal city water systems, private wells are not regulated the same way meaning that it’s usually the sole responsibility of the person using the well to make sure the water supply is safe.
Well water is supplied deep in the ground underneath your home. When it rains, precipitation passes down through the various levels of minerals, rocks, soil, as well as any runoff from nearby sources, like fertilizers from nearby farm fields. Some of these contaminants can be picked up by rainwater before making its way down into the groundwater. Some common concerns and contaminants that could be picked up and found in well water are:
- Nitrates
- Arsenic
- Iron
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Acidic pH Levels
- Bacteria
- Hydrogen Sulfide
- TDS (Total Dissolved Solids)
- PFAS Chemicals
Although some of these contaminants and water issues are relatively harmless to your health, there are others that could be a serious concern. Arsenic, for instance, is a naturally occurring substance that has been associated with negative health effects such as cancer and heart disease. Nitrates, another common contaminant with both man-made and natural sources, can get into groundwater by runoff from fertilizers used on nearby fields, golf courses, or lawns. It is widely thought that being exposed to a high concentration of nitrates is dangerous for infants and pregnant women. All valid reasons to get your well water tested!
Well Water Testing
So how often should I test my well water? The CDC (Center for Disease Control) recommends testing your water at least once a year. If you can’t remember if your well has ever been tested, contacting a professional, such as an authorized Evolve dealer is a good place to start. The experienced water expert will arrive on the scene and begin by asking a few questions to better understand some of the water problems that may be occurring. There are various tests that can be performed based on what you are experiencing specifically with your water. They also take into account any common water contaminants that neighboring properties have experienced to help with your diagnosis.
When the tests are complete and the results are in, your water expert will review them with you and talk about next steps that will help clean up your water, if necessary. By having your well water tested regularly, you will have peace of mind that your family has safe, clean water for the future.
What can you do to Help Prevent Contamination?
The best way to make sure you don’t contaminate your well is by taking the proper precautions to make sure you aren’t adding to the problem yourself. You should also pay close attention to farms or new industrial buildings being constructed in your area. They often have manufacturing byproducts that can leach into the nearby water supply. Although you won’t be able to stop them from being built, you will at least know which contaminants to test for in the future, such as the emerging PFAS chemical.

Here are a few more steps you can take to make sure your well water is free of pollution:
- Make sure area around the well is sloped so any runoff occurs away from the well.
- Install a well cap to make sure nothing makes its way into your system.
- For new construction, make sure you hire a certified well driller.
- Refrain from using fertilizers and pesticides near the well.
- Occasionally inspect well components for any cracks or damage to prevent exposure to bacteria growth.
- Regularly pump and inspect your septic system.
Our authorized dealers have an entire suite of water treatment solutions to handle any of the contaminants that may be present in your well water. Along with our innovative filters, the ONE™ Contaminant Reduction System provides an added barrier for today's most harmful water contaminants like lead, cysts, and other unwanted water particles.
It's important to remember that the quality of well water can change dramatically over time. Pay close attention to any changes in the taste, look, or feel of your water as this could be a sign that new contaminants have made their way into the groundwater nearby. Lastly, make sure you speak to a qualified Evolve dealer whenever the time comes to perform your annual well water test. Having a professional is important to ensure the safety of the water in your home. Find your local dealer today!