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Before & After Photos

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New Water Softener in Sussex, WI

Customer had heard our ad on the radio and called the Clean Water Center as he was not happy with his current water treatment equipment and wanted to look into new equipment. A Project Coordinator went out to the his house to assess the situation and go over new equipment options with him. 


The Project Coordinator went out to the house, and found an older softener and Reverse Osmosis system installed. They found that the water had 26 gpg of hardness and the TDS was around 626. The customer decided to go with a new EVRS-1044 water softener, and Clear Flo Reverse Osmosis System. We installed it the next week and now the customer can cross that off his to-do list! 

Better Drinking Water in Saukville, WI

The homeowner called the Clean Water Center as they wanted better drinking water at their home, and they were sick of the hassle and expense of buying bottled water. A Project Coordinator went out to the home to speak with the homeowner, and check to see if the softener was working as the RO had to be hooked up to a softened line. 


Once they knew the softener was good, and softening the water, the homeowner decided to have us install a ClearFlo Reverse Osmosis in their basement so that they could get the same quality, clean water to both the fridge and the kitchen sink. 

New Iron Filter in Colgate, WI

Customer called in because his Iron Curtain just kept running and would not shut off. He had to unplug it. A project coordinator went out to his home, and found that the Iron Curtain was from 2006. Also found 4 ppm of iron coming into the home, so they needed to get it replaced fast.


We were able to get them a new one installed that same week, so they shouldn't have to deal with too much iron staining their home. 

Old Water Treatment Needs Replacement in Dousman, WI

The customer called the Clean Water Center as he had an older competitor's Softener in his house, and it didn't seem like it was working the greatest anymore. At first they had decided to wait to install new equipment and hold off until the summer. Soon after, the current softener they had started to fail on them. A Project Coordinator went out to the house to test the water and assess the basement for the install. When the tests were taken, there was a smell of sulfur, and 5ppm on iron in the water. 


The Project Coordinator suggested putting in a new water softener with and Iron Filter in order to help with the iron, and get rid of the sulfur smell from the water. The customer decided to get those both installed and since he has a very demanding job, he decided to sign up for the maintenance plan, so that we could help protect his new investment, so that he didn't have one more thing to worry about. 

Water Softener Replacement in Dousman, Wi

Customer had an old softener and it started to leak  from the inlet pipe going into the softener, found that it was cracked and was spraying all over the basement. She called the Clean Water Center as she had to bypass the softener so no water was going to it. there was no other bypass in place, so when she turned it it shut down all of the water in the home except for the kitchen cold and outside lines, as the were the only lines not going through the softener. 


A Project Coordinator went out to her to home to talk about new options with her. She decided to have us install the ES-1044 water softener, and we were able to get it installed for her the next day, so they could take showers and flush there toilets again the next day. 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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