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The homeowner called the Clean Water Center, as his water softener stopped working and also stated that he was concerned about the water smelling like sulfur, and thought he had high iron as well.
A Project Coordinator went out to his house, and could smell the sulfur right upon entering the house. She tested the water, and found NO iron in the water at all, but did find high sulfur. The wife stated that she can't even smell the sulfur anymore, but when they have people over they always complain of the smell.
After the tests, assessing the basement for install, and going over all of their options, the homeowner decided to have us install a new EVR-1054 water softener, and and EVS-1354 Sulfur filter. He also opted to go on the Maintenance plan for both new units, so that we could help him take care of the new equipment and give him a lifetime warranty on them as well.
We installed bot units shortly after the consultation, and now the customer can confidently have people to their house, without being embarrassed of the water.
Mr. H had just built this house for his son, everything was new. Once the son moved in and started using water, they found iron staining the new fixtures and shower. Our Project Coordinator went out to test the water and found 5ppm of iron in the well water. They decided to have The Clean Water Center install an iron filter to fix their concerns.
The customer just moved to Watertown, and found that the old owners had a softener in place before, but must of rented it, as it was no longer there. They new that they needed to get one soon enough to help protect their new investment and wanted to get it installed as soon as possible.
They called the Clean Water Center to set up a consultation, and see what kind of treatment is needed to help their household. After finding that their house had 24 gpg of hardness on Watertown city water, they decided to go with a rental as well. We were able to install an EVR-1044 Water Softener for her the next week, and now they can enjoy their new house, knowing it is protected.
Customer called the Clean Water Center as she was over the odor from her water as well as how much it was staining her fixtures in the home. She has a water softener, but was looking for additional equipment to help with the staining and the smell.
A Project Coordinator went out to the house to test the water and assess the situation. They found a prominent Sulfur smell, and 2 ppm of iron in the water. She had a softener and an in-line filter that she was sick of having to change out every few weeks. After they assessed that the current water softener was working, the customer decided to have us install an Iron Filter to help with her main concern of iron and sulfur. We took out the in-line filter, as she will no longer need to replace those filters for the iron.
This customer called the Clean Water Center because he was looking for new water treatment equipment because they were occasionally noticing a "Wet Dog Smell" from the water. A Project Coordinator was able to go out to his house shortly after to test the water and offer solutions. When the Project Coordinator went out, the customer had said that their current unit has not been using salt, but can still hear it running at night. After testing the water, she found 23 gpg of hardness, and .8ppm of iron in the water. After further looking into their situation, they had found iron bacteria in the back of the toilets, and that could be the cause of the smell they were getting from the water.
They talked over solutions, and after finding 5 people live in their house the customer and the Project Coordinator decided that an EVR-1054 on the maintenance plan was a good way to go, as then we can monitor and maintain the new softener for the .8ppm of iron coming into the house, and should be able to prevent the "Wet Dog Smell" from ever happening again.