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New Water Softener and Iron Filter - Reedsville, WI

Mr. M. gave us a call because they were having severe iron issues and they wanted it addressed ASAP. One of the reasons why they wanted this done right away was because Mrs. M. is a hairstylist that works out of her home, and having hard, iron-filled water was not good for her business. Due to there being a budget, but a desire for quality, we showed them our rental options that includes all of our professional grade treatment equipment. Our EVRS water softener and the EVFE iron filter was found to be the best option in order to rid of their iron concerns and to allow Mrs. M. a chance to serve her clients without water quality concerns. 

New Water Softener- Reedsville, WI

We had a customer reach out to us because he had an old water softener in his home, and it needed to be replaced. Our office team set up a time for a project coordinator to come out and test the water to see what they needed for the home. After some tests we found some very hard water as well as a good amount of chlorine in the water. The customer was having issues with dry skin and the hard water and chlorine was not helping. We recommended out EVRC water softener, this is standard resin softener but also has carbon inside to remove chlorine from the water. The customer like not having to change a filter out and having something that does it all in one. After a quick and clean install, the customer was happy to have softener water in the home again!

New equipment in Fond Du Lac, WI

Mr D. called because his softener was getting old and wanted to look into getting a new one. A project coordinator went out to his house and went over new options for him. He was impressed with the equipment and presentations, that he decided to go with a new ES-1044 Softener. It was installed and he should be all set with quality water for his household for years and years to come. 

Whole House Iron Filtration in Fond Du Lac, WI

Mr. and Mrs. K. were experiencing iron staining and sulfur gas odor although having a water softener. Due to the iron levels being too high for a water softener to handle and nothing in place to combat the sulfur odor, it was found that additional filtration was needed to aid the existing softener. After much discussion, the EVFE iron filter was found to be the best fit. With it's air charge oxidation, it had the ability to filter both the high iron and the trace sulfur. The family is now without iron staining and sulfur odor. 

Whole House Iron/Odor Filtration- Fond Du Lac, WI

Mr. and Mrs. K. were experiencing high iron and sulfur issues in their home. They had a water softener in place that they believed should be taking care of the problem, but it wasn't. They chose to come into our offices and gather some information on the problems they were having. We went ahead and scheduled a time for a Project Coordinator to actually go out in person and see first hand what issues they were having so that water tests could be done to identify the problem at hand. After testing, it was found that they had trace levels of sulfur and more iron than we'd like to see a water softener handle. The solution was the EVFE iron filter; because of how the EVFE filter works via air charge, we were able to attack both the high levels of iron AND the trace levels of sulfur. They are now without odor and iron issues. 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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