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Before & After Photos

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New Water Softener- Neenah, WI

Mrs. L was finding that servicing her aging softener was becoming difficult due to the lack of parts available. Many homeowners with older water softeners find that parts are hard to come by if the unit has been discontinued. After testing Mrs. L's water to clarify what her water needs were, we found that the EV2 was the best fit due to her high amount of iron and hardness. Instead of going to a iron filter, resin water softener route, we went for our "all-in-one" system that takes care of those concerns with one unit. She's now with a new softener that takes care of all of her water concerns. 

Iron Staining and Hardness Build up- Neenah,WI

A current customer of ours was having issues with iron staining and hardness build up. Our service team took a look at the unit and with the age and cost of fixing it recommend to replace it. Garrett our project coordinator went out to the home too see what worked the best. After testing the water, we found there was a lot of iron in the water, more then what a standard water softener can handle. With not having a basement we had very limited space for equipment. The best solution was our EV2 softener, the EV2 has a special media inside that can handle more iron then a standard softener. After installing the new EV2 the iron and hardness was no longer in the water. Mrs. D. was very happy that she no longer had to scrub off iron staining and hardness build up!

Iron Staining & Sediment Issues - Neenah, WI

Mr. L. called us to see if we could help out with the terrible iron staining and sediment issues with his water.  He currently had a sand filter but was constantly having to clean it out every week.  Nate, our retail manager, was able to check out the situation at the home and test their water.  He recommended a water softer (EVR-1044U) and iron filter (EVFE-1248) to help with the problems.  The homeowners did not enjoy how their water tasted either.  They also installed a reverse osmosis system to help with that.  

Sulfur Smell and Iron Staining - Neenah, WI

Mr. D. was having issues with iron staining and a very strong sulfur smell. Sulfur tends to smell like rotten eggs.  He called in to see if we could have someone come out to the home to investigate the problem and provide him with solutions to fix it.  Nate, our retail manager was able to meet with him.  He suggested that the homeowner would need a new softener and an iron/sulfur filter to help with his issues.  Nate also presented him the opportunity to take part in a maintenance plan for each unit.  That way, if anything were to happen to those units, he would be covered for parts and labor.  The homeowner saw the value in that and decided on that option.  Today, Mr. D. is not smelling any sulfur or seeing any iron issues. 

Cost vs. Repair - Neenah, Wi

Mr. and Mrs. H. were having issues with their current softener overflowing.  Garrett, our technician, went out to the home to fix the problem.  After scoping the unit over, he found that there were a good amount of parts that were needing to be replaced.  The homeowners decided to not stick money into their older unit and decided to have Nate, our retail manager, come out for a free consult on new equipment.   The homeowners decided on our ES-1044, one of our most cost effective water softening system.    

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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