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A customer of ours was having issues with there water softener and had our service tech come out to take a look at it. After going over the system our tech recommend to replace the system do too age and was under sized for the home. We sent out a project coordinator to see what we could for them. We recommend to go up in size to insure they get soft water all day, when the moved into the home the softener was already installed so it was not sized for there family. They agreed a new bigger system is what they needed, after a quick and clean install the customer is no enjoying soft water again!
We had a customer who had just moved into a new home reach out to use regarding a bad smell coming from the water. We recommended for a project coordinator to come out and test the water for free too see what was going on. After arriving to the home we found they had a water softener that was working good but there was a sulfur in the water. Water softeners are not meant to remove sulfur in the water and this is why the home owner noticed it right away. We recommended a sulfur filter to remove this for the whole home, the customer agreed and got something scheduled in right away. After the install the customer was very happy to have odor free water!
Not all municipal water sources are the same. Some areas have much more water hardness than others. For anyone that lives in Kaukauna, they know all too well that their city water leaves something to be desired. In any case, it is not the end of the world a whole home system can certainly make life a lot easier. From doing laundry to cleaning the house, taking a shower to doing the dishes. Any time you use water a water softener in the home can make doing your task easier and even save you money. This homeowner had their house built in Kaukauna and knew the water could be better, so they scheduled a consultation right away. And with a young child the last thing they wanted was one more thing to keep tract of, so they added our Maintenance Plan so that all the service is done annually, and salt is delivered on a regular schedule.
Some people have a particular sensitivity to chlorine. Chlorine can be a skin irritant, and also doesn’t smell very appealing. City water has to have chlorine in it for safe transportation but once it is in the home it has no use. Also, chlorine can damage existing water softener but degrading the resin, ruining the internal chemistry. This customer installed a softener that also has chlorine treatment, this system protects itself from chlorine damage, protects the home from smelling like a pool, and protects its residents from skin irritation. The EVRC model is also eligible for our optional Maintenance Plan which these residents use for regular preventative maintenance, annual salt delivery and a lifetime warranty of the system.
We had a customer who moved into a home with a older water softener. Over the last year they have noticed a lot more build up on the faucets and shower, she knew there was a problem and gave us a call to see what we could do. We sent out a project coordinator to test the water and see what was going on. After some testing we found the water softener in place not too be softening anymore, with the age of the unit we recommended to replace and she agreed. We went over some options and she went with the EVRS water softener, the customer rents her home so she wanted to rent the softener. We got her set up with a rental water softener so if she moves we can just come and remove the equipment for her. After the install the customer is happy to have soft water again!