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Mr. and Mrs. S. had lived in their trailer home for a number of years and just dealt with hard water and iron. As time has gone on, they were looking to do some remodeling, but didn't want to harm the new appliances and fixtures with the terrible water they had. One of their bigger concerns was on where the water softener would even fit due to them living in a permanent trailer. Trailer's are a little more difficult to work with, but we make it happen. With hardness and iron being the water quality concerns, we knew we could handle it with our EVCS cabinet water softener. This is our most space efficient water softener that tends to work best in trailers and/or shorter basements/crawl spaces, and after getting a little creative with the plumbing, we were able to install the softener alongside their washer/dryer and keep it aesthetically pleasing. Now they can move forward with remodeling and not have any concerns about the water harming their investments.
Mr. and Mrs. H. had recently moved to Omro to live closer to their family. The family lived on the same road and had similar issues when it came to water quality. They all had hard city water and minimal space for a traditional water softener set up. The traditional set up entails the media tank sitting outside and separate to the brine (salt) tank. In Mr. and Mrs. H.'s particular case, they had a crawl space that did not have the head room for a water softener. We immediately knew that our EVC (cabinet model) softener would be the most appropriate option for them. This model also did not fit in the crawl space, so we were able to make room in their utility closet and plumb accordingly so that all the lines in the house were treated with softened water. Although some creativity was needed for the installation, we were able to ultimately help the household have soft water to protect the new home.
Mr. and Mrs. J. had numerous problems with their 20+ year old water softener. They had to manually regenerate it, and when they did, the brine tank would over fill. Not only that, but they constantly experienced staining from all the iron in the water. They had enough and gave us a call. Due to the higher levels of iron, the EVFE iron filter was a perfect fit so that all iron was removed and so that the new water softener was protected. In addition to the EVFE iron filter, they replaced the old water softener with a new EVRS that is much more advanced than what was previously in place. They now have water treatment that does not need a manual regeneration, doesn't leak and takes care of all of their concerns.
We had a customer who purchased a home with a old water softener and they noticed right away the water was smelly and was leaving stains on everything. Our testing center did the health and safety testing when the home was purchased so they reached out to us right away once they moved in. We sent out a project coordinator to see what we could do for them. After some more testing of the water we found sulfur, hard water and iron. The old home owners did not have any treatment for the sulfur but did have a old softener. We recommended to add in a sulfur filter and replace the old softener, the customer agreed and got the install set up. After a quick and clean install the customer was very happy to have clean water and can get there new toilets' and sinks in!
We had a current rental customer of ours reach out to us because he was looking to purchase his equipment and wanted to see if he could get something that was more salt efficient. We sent out a project coordinator to test the water and see what we could do for them. The current unit is an all in one system that uses more salt due to in handing more then just hard water. After some testing we recommend an iron filter and water softener to get the most efficient salt usage. The customer liked the idea of this and wanted to go with that, we where able to give a rental discount on the new equipment as well. After the install the customer is happy he does not have to bring a lot of salt in the basement anymore!