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Before & After Photos

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Iron Curtain Causing Water Pressure Issues in Oconomowoc, WI

Customer called for service on her old Iron Curtain as they were having water pressure issues. When the technician went to the service call he found that the iron curtain was almost 20 years old, clogged up and needed replacement. They had to bypass the Iron Curtain in order to have water pressure in the home, so the water had a horrible sulfur smell and they couldn't use it for drinking or cooking.


They needed a new Iron Filter installed quickly. A Project Coordinator went out to the home to discuss new equipment and installation. We got them on the schedule a couple days later, but when something opened up a little earlier in the week, we were able to go and install it the next day for them, so they did not have to live with the smelly water for very long.  

New Water Softener in Oconomowoc, WI

Customer just purchased the home a few months ago and noticed that his old Morton Water Softener was not using salt, and they were finding a lot of calcium build up on the faucets. He wanted to know if we could service the unit for him. Since the type of softener he had was not able to be serviced, he decided to have us out for a consultation for a new one. The home was a summer home for his family, so they were only there for half the year. 


A Project Coordinator went out to the home to test the water and assess the basement for install of a new water softener.  After learning that they were only in the home part-time throughout the year, they discussed the EVR and EVRS because of the vacation mode feature that would allow the customer to put the softener to sleep while they were gone, saving them money on salt without the hassle of having to reprogram it after they got back into town. 


The customer decided on the EVRS-1044 water softener, and we installed it a few days later before he went back to Florida. 

Old Iron Filter Needs Replacement in Oconomowoc, WI

The customer called the Clean Water Center as he had an old Iron filter that he installed himself over 20 years ago. It was not working as well as it used to. A Project Coordinator went out to the home to test, check out the old equipment and discuss new options with him. The water softener was just installed by him not too long ago, so he was only looking for a new Iron Filter to help him with the 2 ppm of iron and sulfur from the well. 


They went over our Iron Filters, and after discussing it with his wife, decided to have us install a new EVFE-1054 Iron Filter for their home. 

Discolored Water in Oconomowoc, WI

Customer called the Clean Water Center as they noticed when they filled their bathtub the water was orangish in color. They had a water softener already, but no other equipment. 


A Project Coordinator went out to the home to test the water and assess the basement for installation of an other equipment that may be needed. The water softener was only a few years old, but they had about 2 ppm of Ferric Iron coming in from the well. They discussed the benefits of adding an Iron Filter to help with the ferric iron, and therefore helping with the discolored water coming in. We installed an EVFE-1054  about a week later for rent. 

Iron Issues in Oconomowoc, WI

Customer called the Clean Water Center, as he had an existing system that was installed to help take care of the hardness, iron and sulfur coming into his home many years ago. We had been out for service a few times to repair the current system, and eventually found that the current equipment was not able to take care of the iron from the well any longer. 


A Project Coordinator went to the home to test the water and assess the basement for installation of an extra piece of equipment. The water was testing with 2.5 ppm of iron. They discussed adding an iron filter to his EV2 conditioner, as it was still able to soften the water. 


We were able to install it a few days later. 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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