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Tyler & Sky in Oshkosh tested their water and found high levels or Arsenic. They called Clean Water Center and scheduled a Project Coordinator, while the PC was in the home, they discussed maintaining their other equipment to make sure the reverse osmosis system that was to be installed worked the best it could for as long as possible to keep their water safe to drink. The homeowners decided to opt-in to a service plan, allow us to maintain their equipment for them and we were even able to service their whole home equipment at the same time we installed their RO. Now, they can keep themselves and their home full of the best water possible.
We had a customer who had just moved into a home without a water softener. They have had softeners in the past at other homes so when they moved in they could tell right away the water was hard. The home owner decided to give us a call to see what we could do too help. We sent out a project coordinator to test the water and see what we are working with. After some testing and inspecting we recommend a water softener and reverse osmosis system for drinking water. The home owner agreed and got a install scheduled in, after a quick and clean install the home owner is happy to have nice soft water again and clean drinking water in the home!
We had a customer reach out to us because the water softener in there new home was acting up and leaking. They have family members that have a softener with use and recommend we see what we can do for them. We set up a project coordinator to go out test the water and see what was going on. The current softener was very old and was no longer working, it was also a system that's not able to serviced. We recommended to replace the softener and add in a RO system. They thought that was a good idea and decided to go ahead with the replacement. The customer wanted to rent the equipment so they don't have to worry about anything besides salt! After a quick install the homeowner is happy to have soft water again.
Mr. K. was new to well water and needed some help to know what he had and if it was working. Our project coordinator went out to see what Mr. K. had and how we could help. After testing the water and looking at the equipment we found the softener was working, but the chlorination de-chlorination system was not. We found that removing this system and replacing it with our EVS sulfur filter will be an easier and more efficient system. Mr. K. is very happy with the new system and that he no longer needs to fill the system with chlorine.
Mr. W. lives in Menasha, WI on a particular road that is notorious for high levels of sulfur; sulfur gas causes rotten egg-like odor in the water. In the past he had gone through numerous pieces of equipment with different companies until he found us. Years ago he installed our EVS sulfur filter that has solved his sulfur problem. However, recently he started to notice a little bit of that smell breaking through once more and he had recently rebedded his media in the filter. A Project Coordinator was sent out and it was found that the well casing was coming up from the well and plugging up the valve to his sulfur filter and this was the cause of the break through. Well casing is common sediment to see come up from a well, but it can most definitely cause build up and damage. After finding the source of the problem, we installed our Twist II Clean sediment filter prior to all treatment equipment and for peace of mind, we installed a much smaller sulfur filter after all treatment as a fail safe. Mr. W. no longer is concerned about a foul odor in his home from the water.