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Before & After Photos

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Old Water Softener- Fremont, WI

We had one of our existing customers call in because he was having issues with is water softener. Knowing it was a older system we had one of our project coordinators go out and see if it was worth fixing or if was a better idea to replace it. After a look at the system and testing the water it was in the best interest of the customer to replace the system due to it being over 30 years old. After going over options we found the EVR was the best solution for them. They also singed up for our maintenance plan so we come out once a year to due the annual maintenance and deliver the salt for the year. The customer loved not having to carry the salt down to the softener any more. 

New To Well Water With Odor- Cecil, WI

Our state certified lab had done some health and safety testing for a customer so they can purchase a new home with well water. Everything looked good after testing, but once they moved in they could smell a rotten egg odor in the water. We sent one of our project coordinators out to test the water further and found sulfur in the water. There was a existing filter system, but it could not handle the water conditions. After checking things out we found there is no drain for a EVS sulfur filter. After consulting with the homeowner we decided the best solution was to remove the current filter and replace it with something bigger that can handle the odor. We installed a Big Blue with a MAZ filter to remove the iron in the water and then followed that up with a ONE filter with carbon to remove the sulfur. Now that the new system is installed the homeowners can enjoy the odor free water! 

Water Treatment Upgrade in Watertown, WI

This customer just purchased the home, which came with a rental water treatment unit that the previous homeowners had. She decided that she wanted to purchase her own equipment from us as her parents had equipment installed from us, as well as a Reverse Osmosis Drinking System. 


After calling the Clean Water Center, a Project Coordinator went out to her home to assess the water treatment currently in the home, test the water and talk about options. They found that the kitchen cold line was not on a softened line, as she was finding a lot of calcium build up at the kitchen sink. After discussing options, the customer decided to have us install a new EVR-1044 water softener, as it would help her save money on city water with the WET technology, a ClearFlo Reverse Osmosis, and convert the kitchen cold line to a softened line, so she would no longer find hard water build up in the kitchen sink. 

Smelly Water in Wilmot, WI

Customer had been on city water for years and bought a home on well water. After living there for a while, she could not handle the sulfur smell from the water and refused to drink it. Started buying a lot of bottled water for them to drink instead. 


A Project Coordinator went out to her home and tested the water. They found that there was definitely a sulfur smell coming from the water as well as 2.5 ppm of iron. The current softener was older but taking care of the iron. The homeowner was remodeling a lot of the home, including the bathrooms and kitchen eventually. She decided to go with rental units from us. We installed an EVRS-1044 water softener, an EVFE-1054 iron filter for the sulfur and iron, and an UltroWater Reverse Osmosis drinking system, that we also set up to be installed to the fridge when she gets a new one. 


Her water will no longer smell, and she can be confident in drinking the water she is giving to her family. 

Reverse Osmosis Drinking System in Franklin, WI

Customer just moved to Wisconsin from another state and wanted to get clean drinking water at his home, so that he did not have to keep buying bottled water. He purchased an RO from a store and wanted us to put it in. We do not install other peoples equipment and when the customer heard that, he decided he wanted to hear what we had to offer. 


A Project Coordinator went out to his house to assess the water, and found that they did not have a water softener installed, but since the city water is from Lake Michigan, so the water was under the 10 gpg of hardness that is recommended when installing a softener.


After educating the customer on the benefits that Our Reverse Osmosis systems have, and that we could install it the same week, the customer called right after the consultation to purchase our equipment and have us install it. We installed it 2 days later for him under the sink, as he did not have a basement, and now his family can enjoy clean drinking water with out having to buy bottled water consistently. 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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