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Before & After Photos

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New Iron Filter In Neenah, WI

We had a existing customer of ours that was having issues with there older iron filter. This system iron filter used potassium permanganate to clean its self and was a big mess and not very efficient. We sent out a project coordinator to check things out and see what we could do for them. After some water tests we recommended a updated iron filter that doesn't use potassium permanganate to clean its self, just water! After the installation the customer was happy to have iron free water.  

New Home in Neenah, WI

We had a customer who was building a new home in Neenah. They where going to be on well water for the first time and had some concern's with that. They are sharing a well with the neighbor and they already had our treatment so they recommend us to help them out. We stopped out to check out the set up and run a few water tests, we found some hard water and alot of iron. We recommend the EVR water softener and the EVFE iron filter, the customer agreed and got a install scheduled. After a clean install  the customer can now move in and not have to worry about the water! 

Iron issues in Neenah, WI

We had a customer of ours who just moved into a home that had an existing softener in it. After some weeks in the home they noticed iron build up and stains in the tub. We first serviced the softener and during that time we found a higher amount of iron that is too much for a softener to handle. We suggested to look into something to treat the iron on its own, and set up a time for a project coordinator to come out too the home to see what would work best. After going over options with the customer they decided on the EVFE iron filter. This filter uses air to oxidize the iron so it can be filtered out. After a quick and clean install the homeowner no longer needs to worry about iron!   

Custom Water Treatment in Hortonville

More and More common these days people are buying up older property and renovating to make it more modern.  This customer wanted less white staining in the dishwasher. Buy installing a water softener not only will there be less build up in the dishwasher, soaps are more effective, and places like the showers and sinks will look cleaner longer.

Updated Water Softener- Neenah, WI

We had a customer who reached out to use because there older water softener was no longer working like it used too. With the age of the softener we recommended looking into new options. The customer agreed and we sent out a project coordinator to test the water and see what we could do. After some testing we went over some options for new softeners, they decided on the ES water softener. After the a quick and clean install the customer is happy to have soft water again! 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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