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Before & After Photos

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New Softener & Sulfur Filter - Appleton, WI

Mr. and Mrs. B were experiencing a terrible odor that caused them to not enjoy drinking their water, but they also didn't have a water softener in place, so calcium build up was prevalent with 17gpg of hardness. After meeting with our project coordinator and further assessing the situation, we found that the EVR-1044U in combination with the EVS-1354 would be the perfect remedy for Mr. and Mrs. B's concerns. They no longer have to handle clorox/bleach regularly, the rotten egg-like odor was removed and soft water is now running through all lines to protect the home.

Replaced Old Softener- Appleton, WI

The homeowner was looking for new equipment options as her current one was not working the way it should.  Nate, our retail manger, met with the homeowner to discuss treatment options for her city water that was hard.  He was able to find her the best option to fix her water issues.   She was able to go from a 3 tank system down to 1 which in turn is saving her money. 

Iron Staining in Sinks- Appleton,WI

Mr. S. had an old iron filter that was no longer working. Mr. S. spoke with us at one of our local home shows and had us come out to test his water. After testing we confirmed that there was iron coming through the system. Our EVFE iron filter was the best system to remove the iron from the water. After having the new iron filter installed there is no longer iron staining in the house!

Removing Chlorine From Water in Appleton, WI

Mr. and Mrs. P. were having concerns about their water quality after living in their new home for some time. They noticed differences in their skin and how residue was being left on surfaces as well. This caused curiosity for what minerals were in the water. They began to talk to their friends and family, and a family friend who had seen benefit from our services made the recommendation to speak with us. After we had the opportunity to meet with the family, it was found that their water was hard and had higher levels of chlorine. Mr. and Mrs. P. also have two little ones that they wanted to support with the best water possible, so we discussed whole house treatment, but also reverse osmosis for a single point of use. We found that the EVRC water softener was a great fit because it softened all water in the house and also removed chlorine from all indoor water sources. Not only that, but the family chose to provide food grade water for themselves via reverse osmosis and this was fed through their refrigerator so that both their water dispenser and ice maker could be using purified water. We were able address all of the family's concerns at a reasonable price and after follow up, they are very happy with the quality of their products and water. 

New Water Conditioner Install- Appleton, WI

Mr. & Mrs. V. were having iron staining and hard water build up everywhere water was ran and they were concerned about their water softener. A service technician was scheduled to visit and fix the problem, but upon arrival it was found that they had 100's of brine errors, meaning salt was not being put in and the softener wasn't being taken care of as it should've been unfortunately. Because of the age of the softener and the wear and tear it had been through, a replacement versus service made more sense in order to have good soft and iron free water for a prolonged period of time. With extremely hard water and high levels of iron being consistent for this home's water conditions, the EV2 was still their best fit for treatment because it's our all-in-one water conditioner that can handle such conditions. Not only did they go with a brand new water conditioner, but they put it onto the maintenance plan that entails us coming out once a year for service and salt delivery so that we can avoid the previous cause for new equipment. They now have a brand new water conditioner and it's on a plan that will provide it a longer life span than the industry average of 10-15 years. 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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