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Before & After Photos

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Upgraded Water Softener in Appleton, WI

We had a current customer reach out to use because his softener had stopped working for him. The softener was about 15 years old and we recommended to look into replacing it and the customer agreed. We sent out a project coordinator to see what we could do for him. After some testing we checking things out, we recommended a new softener and to go a size up due to the water demand the house uses. The home owner thought that was a good idea because he had added a couple bathrooms and 2 extra water heaters installed since his house was built. Our install team got the new softener in and the home owner is now enjoying soft water again! 

Simplifying Sulfur Treatment in Appleton

Older homes with sulfur gas present in the water used to have to use a chlorination/dichlorination system to treat the rotten egg smell the water produces. This customer in Appleton just moved in and didn’t know what to do or how to maintain a system like this. While discussing what it would take to keep this system running the project coordinator could tell the new homeowners were a little overwhelmed and mentioned there are easier, more modern solutions for what they were experiencing and would be more than happy to discuss it with them if they were interested. Nowadays we can use air charge, self-regenerating filters to handle most residential sulfur. This way there are no chemicals involved, and the system itself is simpler and easier to maintain.  The home also didn’t have a water softener which can greatly benefit a home’s water using appliances and general cleaning.

Treating City Water in Appleton

Some municipalities advertise softener water in their city, but that doesn’t always mean it is as soft as it should be. Cities do what they can, and it goes a long way but there could be more done once the water arrives in your home to improve the water.  This customer wanted softer water so that they did not feel they needed to clean as often. With a water softener, soap scum and hard water marks are greatly reduced, extending time between cleanings.

New Homeowner in Freedom, WI

We had a customer of ours buy a new home and needed the well tested to make the purchase of the home. Everything tested good for health and safety but once they moved in they noticed a odor in the water, they gave us a call and we went out to check out what was going on. After some further testing that can not be done during a real estate transaction we found some sulfur in the water and the old water softener was struggling to soften the water. With the age of the old softener we recommended to replace it and add in a sulfur filter to remove the sulfur in the water. The customer agreed and we got a install set up, after the install the customer is happy to have nice clean odor free water in the home! 

New Rental Water Softener- Butte Des Morts, WI

We had a customer reach out to use who just moved into a rental home. At the time of moving in there was a very old nonfunctioning water softener. The customer had soft water in the last home they lived in so they noticed right away when they moved it was hard water. We came out to test the water and see what we could do. We found the water to be very hard, we recommend to replace the old system. With the customer renting the home they didn't want to purchase a system. We went over out rental program and they decided that would be a great option for them. After a quick and clean install the customer is happy to have soft water again. 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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