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Mr. S noticed that his water softener was not regenerating properly. He called us to service that softener and because it was an older system, Mr. S didn't want put money into a unit that could potentially cost more money down the line. After doing some testing to find the appropriate piece of equipment, it was found that the EVR and all of it's functionality was the best fit for Mr. S and his home. He now has a new water softener that is covered under warranty and has no mechanical concerns with the new water softener to stress over. 

High Arsenic in Water- Shiocton, WI

Mr. V. was selling his home and had high arsenic. For the sale of the home he needs a point of use drinking water system. After one of our project coordinators went out and inspected everything, we found the Ultro flow R.O. system was the best option. This is a Wisconsin state certified system for removal of arsenic. Now that there is clean drinking water Mr. V. can sell his home!

Getting Rid of Hard Water- Shiocton, WI

Mr. P. had an older water softener in the house he purchased a few years ago. In the last couple months, he had noticed the water was not as soft as it once was, and the brine tank kept backing up with water. We had one of our service techs go out to his home to figure out what was happening. After diagnosing many issues with the softener, the tech recommended it be replaced. Our project coordinator went out to get a cost on a new system for Mr. P. We found the EVRS to best suit the needs of the customer. We were able to install a new water softener within a week. Our customer was very happy with how quick and easy getting the new softener was and he no longer needs to deal with hard water!

New Water Conditioner, New London, WI

This customer recently purchased a house and immediately noticed that their recently installed water softener could not keep up with the iron.  They were noticing a strong metallic taste to the water as well as orange staining in the shower and sinks throughout the house.  After a service call with Randy where we made adjustments to the existing system to reduce the iron issues, an appointment was made with one of our Project Coordinators to find a better solution for their iron issues.  Nate met with the homeowner and after discussing a couple of options the customer chose one of our EV2 water conditioners to soften and completely eliminate all of the iron in the water! 

Water softener install- New London

Mr.F was having issues with older softener that was leaking. Randy inspected the unit and found it leaking and not performing as it should. Randy recommended a new water softener. Randy removed old unit and replaced. Randy tested water after new unit to insure water was now soft for Mr.F

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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