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Before & After Photos

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City Water Treatment in Grafton, WI

This customer called the Clean Water Center as we had installed equipment in their old home, and really enjoyed what they had and the service that we provided. They had just built a new home on city water and needed new equipment put in. They hated the chlorine in the municipal water. The last home they had, we installed an EVRC-1054 Resin/Carbon Water Softener, so that the carbon could eliminate the chlorine for the whole home. They also loved their Reverse Osmosis, so after the new home was built they decided to call us again and install the same equipment as their old home. We are grateful to be able to serve our customers time and time again!

Old Equipment Not Working in Menomonee Falls, WI

The customer called in with concerns of the water smelling and causing hardness build up. A Project Coordinator went to the house to test the water and found that the old softener was not working. There did not seem to be a smell at the time of the Project Coordinator's visit, but if it was sulfur, that is not uncommon, as it fluctuates. But the wife came in and stated that she could not stand the smell coming from the laundry room when that smell is present. 


The Project Coordinator, did find .5ppm of iron in the water as well, and when they went over solutions, the Project Coordinator suggested a new water softener, as well as an iron filter, to help with iron and if the sulfur comes back, the iron filter will be able to take care of that as well. The customer decided to have us start with just the install of the  ES-1044 Water Softener. He thought, he might try to clean the washing machine out and see if that was the main issue of the smell, and if not, he may have us install an iron filter as well in the future. 

New Water Treatment Equipment in Menomonee Falls, WI

This customer called the Clean Water Center, as his softener didn't seem to be working anymore. There was a Morton Softener installed about 3 years ago, but he was still finding hardness spotting/crusting and a bit of iron staining throughout the home. 


A Project Coordinator went out to the home to test the water, and assess the current softener and plumbing area for a new install. Found that the current softener was not working properly and discussed new softener options with him. We installed a new EVR-1044 water softener on the Maintenance Plan for him. 


Smelly Water in Pewaukee, WI

This customer called the Clean Water Center as they had worked with us in the past. They have been living in the house for over 30 years, and all of a sudden started smelling a rotten egg smell in their water, and the water was coming out grayish at times as well, but only in the master bathroom upstairs. A Project Coordinator went out to meet the customers at their house to assess the situation. 


After testing the water, they were able to find that there is 1.5ppm of iron in the water, a trace amount of sulfur smell, and saw that there was grayish water coming out of the faucet in the master bathroom. They did not find that anywhere else. 


The Project Coordinator explained that the sulfur, because it is a gas, can find it's way to the highest level of the house, and cause issues there. They decided that installing an EVFE-1054 Iron Filter to help with the iron, and the sulfur, would help them with their water concerns. They also decided to install a new EVR-1044 water softener at the time, as the current one was old, and add the new softener and Iron filter to a maintenance plan, so that we could help them maintain it and deliver them their salt. 


They can now go back to enjoying clean, good smelling water. 



New Water Softening Equipment Installed in Pewaukee, WI

This customer called the Clean Water Center as they are on a well and have hard water. Their current softener had not been working for a while and they started to notice hardness build up in the house. 


A Project Coordinator went out to the home to test the water to make sure they were suggested the proper equipment for the home. After testing the water and finding the hardness to be extremely hard at 24 gpg, with no other issues, the customer decided to go with an EVR-1054 water softener on the maintenance plan. With the maintenance plan, she could get the lifetime warranty on the unit, we could maintain it for her, and deliver her the salt she will need for the year. The only thing she will need to worry about now with the water is making sure the softener has salt in it. 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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