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Before & After Photos

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Old Equipment

The customer called as his softener was getting very old and needed a new one. He met with a project coordinator and decided to go with a new EVRS-1044. 

Cloudy Water - Germantown, WI

These homeowners had a newer built home and they were looking for options to clean up their cloudy water and to get rid of the terrible taste.  Garrett our project coordinator went over to the home to test the water and look over their plumbing.  He found that the hardness level of the water was pretty high.  He recommended an EVR-1044 softener to help eliminate these issues.  The homeowners elected to go with our equipment and our service technician Garrett was able to complete the install.  Their water quality is great now!

New homeowner- Germantown, WI

Mr. had a new home build in Germantown. After moving in and using the water he noticed TONS of water spots and white build up on his brand-new faucets. Mr. was not happy the water was recking his new appliances. Mr. had one of our project coordinators come out to see how we can fix his water problems. After testing the water, we found it was very hard. After going over a few options that would fix his water issues. Mr. went with our EVR water softener. Mr. K like he can check on his softener on his phone we he is away from home. Mr. is now happy with nice soft water in his home! 

New Construction in Germantown, WI

The customer call the Clean Water Center as she had just purchased a new construction home in Germantown, and new what hard water could do to her home. One of her biggest complaints was the way that the water made her hair feel. A Project Coordinator went out to her house to test the water and evaluate the basement for an install. After testing the water, the Project Coordinator found that even though the new homeowner was on city water, she still had 26 gpg of hardness coming into her house. 


After going over solutions, the customer decided to have Clean Water Center install a new Evolve EVRS-1044 water softener. 


The customer can rest easy now, knowing that her house....and her hair are protected from the city water. 

New Water Softener in Sussex, WI

Customer had heard our ad on the radio and called the Clean Water Center as he was not happy with his current water treatment equipment and wanted to look into new equipment. A Project Coordinator went out to the his house to assess the situation and go over new equipment options with him. 


The Project Coordinator went out to the house, and found an older softener and Reverse Osmosis system installed. They found that the water had 26 gpg of hardness and the TDS was around 626. The customer decided to go with a new EVRS-1044 water softener, and Clear Flo Reverse Osmosis System. We installed it the next week and now the customer can cross that off his to-do list! 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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