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Before & After Photos

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New Equipment Installed to Treat Hard Water in Waukesha, WI

This customer called as she had an old softener and seemed to be getting a lot of hardness breakthrough. A Project Coordinator went out to her home to test the water and make sure they get the correct equipment for their water conditions and household size. 


After going through options, the customer decided to have us install an EVRS-1044 water softener a few day later. 

Water Softener Replacement in Waukesha, WI

Customer called the Clean Water Center as he had a older Kenmore softener that was no longer working and started leaking on them. He was planning on putting the house up for sale soon and wanted to make sure that they had a softener in place for when it was on the market, and so all of the new fixtures that he just replaced stayed nice and new. 


A Project Coordinator went out to the home to test the water and check out the basement for installation. The city water that was coming into their home had 24 gpg of hardness. Only 2 people lived in the home at the moment, but he wanted to set it up so if a family of 5-6 moved in, it would be sufficient for them. He decided to have us install an ES-1054 water softener. We were able to get him on the schedule the next week. 

New Water Softener- Grafton, WI

Mr. B. has been in his home for 8 years and has starting to notice lots of white scaling on the faucets and showers. He has been adding salt to his current softener, but it was no longer going down, so he knew it was time to replace. We sent out a project coordinator to test Mr. B.'s water to see what softener would work best for him. After testing the water, we found Mr. B. had extremely hard water. After going over our Evolve Water Softeners Mr. B. decided to go with our EVR. The EVR is a very advanced water softener that features WET. This future will save a lot of salt for Mr. B. After the EVR was installed Mr. B is very happy with his nice, soft water!

Hard Water and Iron Staining Solution - Grafton, WI

Mr. D. had bought his home years ago and had always experienced iron staining issues. When he moved in there was a softener, but he added an iron filter not too long after. Although he added an iron filter, it didn't take long for issues to arise once more. He couldn't make any immediate changes and lived with the hard water build up and the iron staining for some time. After having enough and wanting to replace fixtures and appliances that were ruined by the water, he gave us a call. After scoping the plumbing, water testing and a long discussion on what the ultimate goal was for the water quality, we found that the best route was to rent our EVFE iron filter and our advanced EVR water softener. Now Mr. D. can enjoy his water and no longer will battle the buildup and staining.

Softener Leaking Salt all over floor in Grafton

Mr. G called Clean Water Center as he had worked with us before on the install of an iron filter. His current softener was leaking salt all over the floor. A project coordinator went out to his house to asses the situation. After testing the water, he decided that an ES-1054 water softener was the way to go for the household. We installed the new equipment, and Mr. G and his family will be happy with the quality of their water for years to come. 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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