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Before & After Photos

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Reverse Osmosis Drinking System in Franklin, WI

Customer just moved to Wisconsin from another state and wanted to get clean drinking water at his home, so that he did not have to keep buying bottled water. He purchased an RO from a store and wanted us to put it in. We do not install other peoples equipment and when the customer heard that, he decided he wanted to hear what we had to offer. 


A Project Coordinator went out to his house to assess the water, and found that they did not have a water softener installed, but since the city water is from Lake Michigan, so the water was under the 10 gpg of hardness that is recommended when installing a softener.


After educating the customer on the benefits that Our Reverse Osmosis systems have, and that we could install it the same week, the customer called right after the consultation to purchase our equipment and have us install it. We installed it 2 days later for him under the sink, as he did not have a basement, and now his family can enjoy clean drinking water with out having to buy bottled water consistently. 

New Reverse Osmosis in West Allis, WI

Customer met one of the Project Coordinators at a networking event and learned about what we do. She currently had a Reverse Osmosis Drinking System that had been moved from one house to this one year ago. Unit was older and hard to find filters for, so she was looking to upgrade her Reverse Osmosis.


The Project Coordinator met her at her home to assess the water and placement of the new system. The customer informed the Project Coordinator that the holding tank was new and would like to use it along with the new one. We were able to install a few days later, and add the new RO Storage tank with the old one, so that she has extra clean, safe drinking water for her and her family. 

Purchase of Water Softener Rental Unit in Muskego, WI

David just purchased his house, and the previous owner had rented equipment from us. He decided he did not want to rent the equipment, but instead purchase. We brought in a new EVRS-1044 water softener and ClearFlo Reverse Osmosis System for his new house. We installed the new equipment and hauled the old Rental Units out for him. He and his family should be all set up in their new home.  

Old Softener Replacement in Muskego, WI

Customer has been a long time customer and had service done last  year. Was told that the softener was going to need replacement soon, so she called us a year later and decided to get that done, as well as have us re-bed her current iron filter. A Project Coordinator went out to her home to discuss what her plans were and what she wanted. 


The customer let the Project Coordinator know that she may be selling the home in a few years and would like the water treatment set up for a family of 4 to live there, so she decided to replace her current softener with an EVRS-1054 so that it could keep up if more people were in the home eventually. 


We installed the new EVRS-1054 iron filter and did maintenance and re-bed the iron filter a few days later. The customer should be set with her water treatment for a while. 

Iron Water Treatment in New Berlin, WI

This customer called the Clean Water Center as he found us on Angi's List and was in need of a new water softener. An appointment with a Project Coordinator was scheduled, to go to his house. When the Project Coordinator arrived, they discussed the customer's concerns, and they found that even though there was a little bit of iron in the water, a new water softener was all that they customer needed for his home. 


We installed the new EVRS-1044 water softener and the customer can go back to enjoying clean, soft water. 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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