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Before & After Photos

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Solution For Water That Smells Like Rotten Eggs- Suamico, WI

Mr. and Mrs. L. were experiencing a sulfur odor that caused a horrid taste to the water and wanted something done about it. They stated that they had a water softener, but it wasn't doing anything for the odor, and that is to be expected because a standard resin water softener is not capable or intended to capture sulfur gas. After testing the water and seeing the situation in full, we found that we could get a couple birds with one stone. The home also had higher levels of iron and we decided it was a good idea to protect the existing water softener from the iron, while tackling the odor issue. Luckily, the sulfur levels were not high enough to call for sulfur exclusive treatment, therefore we treated both iron and sulfur under one umbrella in the EVFE. They now have odor-free water that tastes better and their older water softener life span will now be extended due to the protection from the iron. 

New Water Softener- Green Bay, WI

A current customer of ours reached out regarding his softener acting up. We noticed the system was 25 years old so we recommended the customer look into replacing it.  We sent out a project coordinator to see what we could do to help. After testing the water and talking with the customer he went with out EVRS water softener. After a clean and quick install the customer was happy to have nice, soft water again! 

New Water Treatment- Suamico, WI

We had a customer reach out to us regarding an older softener that was not working well anymore. The customer was unsure if they should service the system or replace. Based on the age of the system we recommend looking into replacing it.  We sent out a project coordinator to see what we could do for them. After testing the water, we found some sulfur that a water softener would not remove. We discussed adding in a air charge filter to remove the sulfur and iron in the water. The customer liked the sound of not having stinky water any more and decided to add it in. After the install of the new water softener and air charge filter the customer was very happy with the water quality in the house!   

New Home With Odor In Water- Green Bay, WI

We had a customer who just moved into a new home and noticed a rotten egg smell in the water. This was a bit unexpected and the customer did not want the smell in the water. They gave us a call too see what we could do for them. We sent out a project coordinator to test the water and see what we have going on. After some testing we found a slight amount of sulfur in the water, the water softener in place is not designed to remove sulfur  so this is why the customer was getting the odor in the water in the house. We recommend out EVS sulfur filter and the customer agreed and went with the install. After a clean and quick install the customer was happy with the clean non-smelling water in the new home! 

Replacing Old Water Softener- Green Bay, WI

We had an existing customer reach out because it was time for his old water softener to be replaced. Last year on a service call we recommend to replace the softener soon because it was on its last legs and was struggling to soften the water in the home.  The customer left for the winter, but now that they are back in the home, they wanted to take care of it. We sent out a project coordinator to go over some new softener options. After some tests and discussions with the homeowner, they went with the ES water softener. After a quick and clean install, the customer is happy to have soft water again in the home! 

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Every feature of the Evolve® water treatment systems has been designed to provide better water for your home and family. Our complete line of innovative water treatment products combines efficiency and flexibility to create the brilliant water you can trust.

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